
Friday, September 18, 2020

Deforestation Rain forest

For the past few weeks we have been working on, Deforestation we had to read an ardical about it, It was hard at time but I got through it eventurally... We also watched a video about deforestation. I have finally completed mine and hope you´s enjoy reading it?


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Pol Pot

For the past few weeks in Room 3 we have been reading this Borany story, It was really cool and fun to learn this activity that we have done was really fun and easy. We have done a Wanted poster about Pol Pot.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Maths word problems

 These are my math word problems that we have been working on in Room 3 for a week or so, it was hard at times but I still got through my work. Here are my math word problems hope you enjoy looking at my work.

Fraction word problem

 In-Room 3 we have been working on fraction word problems, last week we have started them on Thursday I´ve completed mine and happy with the progress that I have achieved.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Reading Response

Last week we were given a topic to do I was away for a few weeks and had to catch up on my work today I finally finished it and finally, I can post it on my blog. This is my reading response that the class had to do.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Te Reo Counting up to 1000

... Last week we were working on Te Reo counting up to 1000, In Te Reo, we had to do these number counting and on slide number 4,5,6, & 8 you'll have Te Reo Numbers that are in Te Reo to help you the last slide is just a practise and first try of doing numbers to 1000 in Te Reo... 

Literacy week 10

Last week we had to do this Literacy thing for class on our writing and Maths We all had to do a sample of what we would have to do around Covid-19 and Lockdown We had to choose our favorite paragraph and Our Most unliked Paragraph and the most unliked paragraph we had to fix it up on what we wanted to change one the most favorite paragraph we had to answer the questions that have been given... But here's mine that I did...

Friday, March 13, 2020

Rocky Shore Terms

We have been finishing of our Rocky Shore project and then when we have finished we have had to do a glossary term definition thing and these are my results right now.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


We have been working on what coronaviruses can do to you and we had to watch a program first and then answer the questions down below.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Waitangi Day

My Rock Shore Project

We have been working on our Rocky Shore projects for 4 weeks it has been an also time to be working on this I have really enjoyed working on this and hope to do another 1 soon.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Summer learning Journey

Make a list of 10 food items that you could take with you. Please think carefully about what you will take as you won’t have access to a  while at sea. Please explain why you would select each item ???

1. Honey - 
Because honey could last it without it melting and it also doesn't need to be in a freezer or refrigerator. 

2. Biscuits -
Because they can just go to a place where they cant go stale.

3.  Peanut butter -
They can last for a long time without a refrigerator or freezer.

4. Potato chips -
They can last for a long time without going stale.

5.  chocolate-
Because it can last under the boat of a cover.

6. water-
You will need hygiene and water can last a while.

7. Spaghetti and Baked beans-
The last a long time in a can.

8. Pakn'save chicken and bread-
You can make you a few sandwiches with these 2 items.

9. Peanuts-
They're good to eat when you need them.

10. Apples and Peaches

Compound Writing Practice

So this is what we have been learning for the past 2 days of compounding words and simple sentence so this is the work that I have been writing and highlighting the colors we have used for highlighting is green and yellow. We had to try and make 20 sentences but I only got up two 9 sentences that included compounds and conjunction words.

Tell me in the comments how you felt about it?
What I need to work on?
And how I could make it better?
Thank you for reading it and giving me feedforward and feedback.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Respect - Smart Value

In class, we have been learning about smart values. I chose respect.