
Monday, September 9, 2019

Explanation Writing

So for the past few weeks, we had to do at least 3 Explanation Writings before the week.

What happens on a school camp

There are lots of things you need to know about camp. These are making sure you return your forms on time, there is also making sure you pack the right gear, that you’re in the right place at the right time, and how we get there. If you are not able to do these things you won’t get to go camping.

Firstly when we go camping we get given a gear list to tell us what to take. We have to take blankets, baking, a pillow, showering stuff, and towels if you going onto a water camp, or a sleeping bag and much more. Also if you get car sick or bus sick you might need to take a lemon to smell or some mints, it might help you get through all the sickness you might be getting. 

Secondly before and after we go camping we always have to do the roll so we know that everyone is there so we don't ́ miss anybody out if you lose anyone we will get in big trouble. “OH NO!” The teacher has to know where you are because if she does not know where you are your parents are going to be made, it is your responsibility to keep clear what you do. If my parents found out I was missing OH! Boy, she is going to get all angry don't want to see what happened.

Thirdly usually when we go camping we go on a bus. When we got onto the bus it gets really loud when I say loud it is loud because everyone is just

so excited for them but still, maybe they just want to talk but in a loud voice. But before you go onto the bus you have to put your stuff into a luggage thing were you put all of your stuff in there, but you have your bags with you for your snacks or your activities things to do when you are bored. Also, you could bring your pillow on the bus for when you are tired and you don't like sleeping without your pillow or maybe it might just be uncomfortable.

Lastly, If you’re not going to camp then you stay back at school and your work you either go to a different class or you go to the principal's office. If you stay back at school and do your work which would be very DUMB!!! I would not like to stay back at school I prefer to stay at home which I would if I did not want to go. Also, you might get so much homework your going to faint I would be so terrified GOSH!!! I would hate that.

There you have it five reasons as to what happens at camp these will encourage your parents to let you go camping hopefully, and to have fun with your friends. I think if you are ever going to go on a camp make sure that you bring the form in QUICK!!!

By Mihi-Rangi

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